CSS/XHTML web development: Scott Marlow
Graphic design: Tiffany James
- The year Nepotianus, leading a group of gladiators, entered Rome and proclaimed himself Emperor
- The average number of days of sunshine in Palm Springs, California
- Tons of depleted uranium used by US military forces in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudia Arabia
- The Fahrenheit equivalent of 176.6 Celsius
- The parts per million of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere when paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest planetary life changes (350.org)
- The cost of Currie Technology’s new E-Zip 2008 Trailz electric bike
- The price in thousands of US Dollars for a new 42′ – 45′ yacht (not including custom cabinetry and interior design from Maritime Yacht Service)
- All of the Above
If you answered All of the Above, you’re correct!
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