What is 350?

screenshot Maritime Yacht Services
CSS/XHTML web development: Scott Marlow
Graphic design: Tiffany James

  1. The year Nepotianus, leading a group of gladiators, entered Rome and proclaimed himself Emperor
  2. The average number of days of sunshine in Palm Springs, California
  3. Tons of depleted uranium used by US military forces in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudia Arabia
  4. The Fahrenheit equivalent of 176.6 Celsius
  5. The parts per million of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere when paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest planetary life changes (350.org)
  6. The cost of Currie Technology’s new E-Zip 2008 Trailz electric bike
  7. The price in thousands of US Dollars for a new 42′ – 45′ yacht (not including custom cabinetry and interior design from Maritime Yacht Service)
  8. All of the Above

If you answered All of the Above, you’re correct!