Fresh Sites for Fresh Goods

screenshot TWAC

Graphic Design: Allison Rose
Javascript/PHP mods: IvyCat
WordPress Theme Development: Scott Marlow

A fresh website for West Seattle’s Twilight Artist Collective.

Months in the making, the new WordPress site features three custom navigation menus and six custom page templates – including a dynamic gallery of local artist offerings, from accessories and clothing to fine art and jewelry. The new site also integrates a WordPress blog (previously hosted by Blogger). A self-hosted blog is one of the best ways to improve your search engine optimization. Continue reading “Fresh Sites for Fresh Goods”

Piecing WordPress Together

Seattle Mosaic Arts

WordPress Development: Scott Marlow | Marketing by Marlow
Design: Kelly Jean Davis | Farm Girl Works
Technical Advising:  Randy Steiger | Conflare
Photography: Laura Joyce-Hubbard | Mother Goose Photography and Claire Barnett
Consulting: Karrie Kohlhaas | Thoughtshot Consulting

Claire Barnett pieces together business and art in her new business venture: Seattle Mosaic Arts.

Although Seattle Mosaic Arts provides memorial mosaics for grieving individuals and families, the Wallingford store’s main purpose is to build community by teaching and promoting mosaic.

We wish Claire the best in her new venture, and hope you’ll visit the new mosaic store at 1325 North 46th Street.

Star Light, Star Bright – Art @ Twilight

screenshot Twilight Artist Collective

CSS/XHTML Web Development: Scott Marlow

Q: What’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?
A: Twilight Artist Collective’s new website!

The new, featuring local Seattle artists, loads 63% faster than its predecessor. Using Cascading Style Sheets, images per page were reduced 91%, from 23 to 2; and page size was decreased from 143Kb to 60Kb. Not only does this improve page load time from 33.5 seconds to 12.5 seconds (56k modem) – it facilitates site maintenance for the community of artists selling their local handmade art goods.

Have your dreams of a custom-branded website fallen like a star? Do you wish for enhanced super-human performance from your online marketing efforts? Don’t go into a phone booth to find a web superhero.  Make Contact.

Graphic design by Todd Karam.